How to Differentiate Between AMD And Intel Processor?


The processuer is important for running many gadgets. From computers to mobile devices, processors handle demanding applications and mundane tasks. The roles processors play cannot be ignored no matter how much we try. Without this component, most gadgets are useless. That is the reason why you should it is quite important that you know how to pick the right processor.

For first-time buyers, it can be not very clear to understand the features of a processor. Making sense of the many features can be another challenge for those who are not tech people. We have made it simple for you to pick a processor.

Types of Processor

Your CPU can have one or more processors. There are two popular giants who are developing these processors when it comes to laptops and computers. They are Intel and AMD. Integrated Circuit is the full meaning of Intel, while AMD means Advanced Micro Devices.

Differences between AMD and Intel Processor

Before we move ahead with the differences of these processors, you should have a piece of important information at the back of your mind. You cannot use an Intel processor on an AMD motherboard and vice versa.


  • Intel is more expensive than an AMD processor.
  • It is more efficient.
  • For a longer duration, you do not feel your gadget heating up.
  • The processor is faster.
  • The clock speed is 2.93 GHz.
  • The Sever Hybrid Technology is less innovative.
  • Intel offers asymmetric microprocessor capabilities range up to 4 sockets and 16 cores.


  • The processor is more affordable.
  • AMD is less efficient compared to Intel.
  • The AMD processor heats up after long usage of a gadget.
  • It comes with asymmetric microprocessor capacities that are up to 8 sockets and 32 cores.
  • The clock speed of AMD is barely 2GHz.
  • Its server is more innovative than Intel.

What to know about the processor?

  • CPU labels and generations

You should learn how to decode the naming of the different processors. Intel and AMD have different ways they name their processors.

  • The Key Processor Specifications

Here is what you should look out for in any processor:

  1. Clock speed: This is the speed at which the chips function. It is measured in gigahertz(GHz).
  2. Cores: The cores function as processors within your gadget’s processor. Many CPU offers four to eight cores, while the newer CPUs come with two to 64 cores.
  3. Threads: The threads are the number of independent processors that a chip can manage.
  4. TDP: TDP means Thermal Design Profile/Power, which is the amount of heat a gadget’s chip can generate in watts.
  5. Cache: The onboard cache speeds up the access to instruction and data between RAM and CPU.
  6. IPC: IPC means Instructions per clock cycle. 

For gadgets with two CPUs with the same number of threads and clock speed, they can function differently if they come from different manufacturers.

These tips can help you understand processors better and buy the right chip for your gadget.

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