Your ticket is ready. You are planning to stay on holiday for some few days in a different country. You’re ready to start your journey when the unexpected happens. Your dream of having a remote work trip fails.
While in a different country, you realize that you can’t open any website from your home. You can’t even open and reply to your corporate mail. To make the matters worse, you’re having your local SIM card hence unreachable. Don’t let this happen.
Before you move out of your country, use the best VPN service you can get. You may need to compare VPN providers to determine the one to choose and the one to leave behinds. These are some basic items to compare.
Are They Using OS or Mobile Apps or Both
As you’ll note most laptops, desktops and mobile phones operating systems allow for VPN configuration. However, the VPN apps are easier to configure and can help you access different locations on the globe.
As such, you need to choose a provider who relies on the use of applications to provide the service. In simple terms, ensure your needs are met.
Does the App Offer Automatic or Per-Application Basis Connection?
All VPNs are only effective when activated. As such, you must never forget to activate it before opening your websites. This is especially so where these websites don’t tolerate external viewers.
The simpler way to do this is by identifying the sites that need VPNs before visiting them. Once you launch the VPN application, it will work to establish a secure connection between your computer and the server you’re accessing.
If you’re using the apps, always ensure the connection is encrypted before leaving the wire. Don’t leave yourself exposed on the web.
Will Your Provider Offer an Extensive Server Network Across the Globe?
Do you want to increase latency and overhead to your experience online? Well, this may be a drag especially if you’re on a remote connection. The closer your VPN server is to your- network and geographically- the faster your connection on VPN.
Where the VPN has a massive network of servers, the internet connection will be faster. You’ll need this assurance when travelling far and wide.
The VPN Protocols that the Provider Supports
Beware! There are different VPN protocols in the market today. The OpenVPN will be effective for use in most cases.
However, some countries are blocking VPN traffic. In such a case, you don’t have any other option other than seeking sophisticated protocols to ensure your connection remains stable all through your travels.
The Rates to Pay
Don’t make the mistake of basing your decision on price only. At the same time, don’t ignore it completely. The rates you pay needs to translate to the value you receive.
As such, when the rates are low, the quality of your VPN connection is also likely to be low. Don’t let this happen.
If you want a higher speed and stable connection, you must be willing to pay higher rates for the services you seek.